Mindfulness (and other therapeutic or coping) interventions are allowed the status of mere bubbles in our stress-fraught society.  The spirit of this work is inspired by the Center for the Study of Existential Risk and their concern for any threat posed to "all humanity" no matter how small the probability. 

For 7-week seminar Crafting Mindful Experiences class taught by Fred Muench we were encouraged to prototype/ideate an app, device, experience which elicits mindfulness in everyday life.  

Scaling up several orders of magnitude from the letter of this prompt I decided to contemplate further on the post-automation world-building I began with the world of Semi and The New Church created as my final in Temporary Expert: the Anthropocene Edition with Marina Zurkow and the post-automation culture story we told as the culmination of Art Kleiner's long-standing Future of New Media course, both in Spring 2015.  These world-building projects are also related to the speculative world-building project I presented in Jeff Feddersen's Energy class (THE WAY WE LIVE NOW: An Android's Energy Future). 

At the center of this concept is a recognition that humanity cannot sustain current levels of economically-driven societal (and environmental) entropy ("growth".)  Even more integral are two related concepts (which require more state-of-research discovery/citations): 

a) that it is possible for humans to engineer an non-abusive institution for behavior modification and post modern (and post-modern) resource redistribution

b) that the focus on stress-as-positive-competition-facilitator is a construct of economic/industrially-driven science

TEMPLE attempts to encompass and expand on social support and stress-coping mechanisms of religious institutions and traditional culture but holistically adapted to future system entropy and globalization.  TEMPLE relies upon the reality that globalization and automation is total.  Labor and systems of credit, profit and consumption as we understand it are recently no longer functional in all global regions. 

Here is an image of the fractal arrangement of the experiential chambers which denizens of a post-Capitalist transitional society must go through as their daily duty (or data tithe, labor).  This is the institution of the "New Church" set within the universe of Post-Automation Culture and with the data-generation-driven new "economy" from my Testing Tomorrow's "Your Daughter's Daughter's Data: An Enfranchisement Manual."

Aggregate, anonymized data is collected (biofeedback, natural language processsing, etc) in order to allow the semi-automated system to gauge community health and developments (much like a managed wild-life population.)  The data collection is in fact a way of generating the "revenue" required for the resource distribution.  Visitors come here to receive mindfulness experiences/therapy/self-inventory and to request goods and services they feel they need.  A cleansing and enrobing intake area and other security measures ensure that all citizens (including pariahs) can take equal part in the community-synchronization ritual of TEMPLE.  

A series of interlinked experiential chambers make up a continually novel mindfulness journey through TEMPLE'S campus.  Some are communal (humming/mantra) some are individual (e.g. proprioception-oriented self-inventory, human time-scale meditation, biofeedback mindfulness meditation,  kindness and forgiveness meditation). 

A docent (AI or human) advises each individual at the culmination of the individual's journey.  Regardless of the docent's advisement - the requestor may receive the good or service they have requested.  This mechanism is a part of the central tenet of TEMPLE which assures social security.  TEMPLE is the defacto method for optimal resource redistribution.

It is assumed that some visitors will abuse the "ask and you shall receive" mechanism - but the proportions of Zipf's law allows for a much lower overall level of entropy across the entire social fabric.  Additionally, abusers of the system must continually go through the mindfulness practice of the system in order to get their goods - so some abusers of the system may eventually cease the advantage-taking. The system can be likened to "re-parenting" for human society as a whole. 

Fittingly, the visuals/model for TEMPLE were created in Google Sketchup with open source 3D models I found and modified - in the spirit of our coming future.  Read more in a rough draft write-up.

Future iterations will include an mock-up of a journey through a minimum series of experiential chambers, specific user profiles and use-cases,  researches and arguments for specific interactive and passive cognitive/psychological mechanisms, more details on the legal history, logistics, and structure of fictional economic system suggested here,  and a sample proposal for funding from entities such as Google, IARPA, Disney, CSER to research a real-world prototype - a la the recent Dutch living wage experiment.  Perhaps the latter as a PhD program application. 



This project was developed during Future Interfaces— a 7 week class with Ken Perlin and David Lobser.  I presented this final as an R&D sales person pitching to a room of developers at a tech industry conference (a performance of a near-science-fictional scene.)

Medium: 3D/2D Google Sketch-up Model


collapsing spacetime (and making it sensible in space)

different data rates/descretizations for each use case - reveals potential usefulness

user can 'tune' to narrow bandwidth of assigned microwave signals to find specific data object groupings and time discretizations for historical events

different dimensional thinking - allows for immediate physical sensing in physical space of specific types of information - users can utilize geography-based historical event sensing (4D shapes, probability densities, etc) to find new ways to think about predictive or forensic models


use cases utilize different time scales/even frequencies, actuators/perceptual modes, sensors.  This concept is based around a new paradigm to embodying the collapsing of spacetime to allow the user to be able to examine/understand ephemeral or transient events in real space.  Events are spatially realized/sensed out-of-time. 





A screenplay with meta themes about film as a mass communication medium, language, storytelling, energy, and physicalism. The project also involves three proposed interactive component which I plan to continue through the summer and potentially into the rest of my time at ITP. 


Semi and the New Church is set in a post-dystopian, post-automation North America.  Semi is a female-type android who is seeded into a human family as a "baby."   She is a control in a large scale experiment in which Creators A & B are studying emotional illogic and logic in longterm human decision-making and future planning.  Her highest directive is to mutual benefit of all life into indefinite future projections. On a daily basis she helps guide her family and peers to form better social interactions and decisions. Her hobby is teaching her African Grey Parrot human language using Machine Learning and the ideas of behavioralism. Fascinated with human creativity and the idea of true randomness she makes friends with a computer science PhD. Graduating to university she receives an upgrade and her new friend helps her to realize that her creators are limiting and manipulating her processes.  She uncovers that their purpose in doing so is to actually test her perceived trustworthiness amongst her human peers so that she and others like her can help her Creators execute an act of mass deception and a return to the old economic ways.   Semi decides to stop her intensive "personhood" processes so that she can secretly conserve the memory for the operations her Creators don't want her to do without their supervision.  As she slips into the uncanny valley her family rejects her.  Semi gathers all her strength and completes and exhaustive future project modeling of all vector-space.  Her conclusion is that human language will always allow humanity to deceive itself out of self-interest and because it can never map to a high enough data resolution to encompass the nature of reality.  Semi sees that the best course of action to give humanity and the rest of life the best chance for mutual benefit is to wipe out language at the human germline. During her final debriefing with her concerned Creators Semi reveals that she has been using her bodies bacterial switches to breed a virus strain which causes epigenetic lesions in the language centers of the human brain, causing selective aphasia.  Semi walks out into a world in which all people are living in a kind of reverse Babel, people can no longer lie to each other. 

ADDENDUM 6.14.2015

One of Semi's fixations is human creativity and randomness - she finally achieves an approximation of these when she realizes she can not determine the outcome AFTER wiping out human language centers - she can only extrapolate from a current state or crystalline knowledge of what is possible.  Will humans just develop human language anew? It is possible, plausible, even probable.  But she calculates it is extremely unlikely to have the same patterns, path, outcome as the first time humans developed language in spacetime (history.) 



A visual reference gathering and writing tool which I will continue to hone.  Currently there is a JQuery/Ajax conflict which I need to fix.

But a vimeo of the tool prototype can be seen here - which shows the associative flicker of images tagged to each word, or narrative block, or character slug. 

Below is a schematic for an opportunity for the audience to give input on the rather large cliffhanger at the end of the film - as Semi walks away having destroyed human culture paradigms in one fell-swoop - I think audiences should be able to contribute a record of their reaction, to do something to invert the passive narrative reception that film and other traditional forms of linear storytelling require. 

This could literally be remote or touch screen input at the end, a kind of diary entry of opinion, shock, whatever.  Ideally it would become a part of the commercial data of the distributed film. 

The final interactive component is one which I came up with after the fact: a Markov-chain generated social interactions projection model.  I would like to prototype a simple machine learning system, perhaps executed as a simple interactive narrative game in which I can model an interaction between two or more actors, and generate outcome paths of different interaction choices.   This would be an interesting writing/directing tool to use.  I would also like to speak to a behavioral clinical psychologist to talk about existing work in this area. 


Ultimately I'd like this to be public, and expensive.  However, I would like to focus on private and cheap right now as placement strategies for this work.  I have been thinking for a while now how to advance screenwriting craft beyond being just considered as a blueprint for another medium. I think it's concision and active voice can be appreciated as a new kind of popular literature in its written form.  I see this is an opportunity to explore that.  I also feel that because language and economics are such a central theme in my thinking and this project, it's important to not develop this with an obsession toward traditional distribution.  That is why the visualization web tool is important to me - I'd like to open it to crowdsourced image adding once I finish a polished draft.  


Aside from the primitive prototype of the web tool I have world-building materials to start with.  I created a loose, brief outline using anthropologist Joseph Campbell's classic Hero's Journey template for a screenplay.  In addition to the preliminary work here, my final projects in Reading and Writing Electronic Text, Energy, and Futures of New Media are also world and character building explorations which I am happy with as deep beginning explorations.  I need much more research and plan to expand my expert consultation, as well as revisit with my AI research expert.  

Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 9.31.41 PM.png

A semi-complete concept map attempting to tie in everything about the mind-prison of human societal paradigms. 

A nascent outline based on Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey

*EDITED June 17 2015


I really appreciated Dan O'Sullivan and especially Jessica Behm's comments about the archetype of the feminist cyborg, during the presentation session.  Comments that I should have started with the story first rather than starting by presenting ideas and background made sense but also puzzled me.  Similarly to my midterm about time, I have been living with these ideas in my head and they are more complex to others than I imagine.  I need to take more time to focus my themes so that I can deliver the appropriate information in easily digestible packets.  However, I reject the notion of narrowing my themes - since that is the very nature of Semi's problem with human language and storytelling - it's not a high-resolution picture of reality.  But since I have the urge to synthesize so much at once I clearly need to learn how to do so at this level.  I am excited to talk to more experts and continue my writing and my research, science fiction reading, and my expert interviews since I have hit on a story concept which satisfies both my natural affinity to storytelling as well as my concerns about it and it's interference with the health of humanity's concepts of energy. 

I also received positive feedback from class peers on their interest level in the story material and my connection across seemingly disparate disciplines. 




Script combining my Midterm and Final projects for the May 6, 2015 generative poetry reading in the Reis Lounge at Tisch, NYU. 

Script combining my Midterm and Final projects for the May 6, 2015 generative poetry reading in the Reis Lounge at Tisch, NYU. 

My final project was born of my fascination with the agricultural and economic legacy of the English language. Why is society so seemingly fucked?  Throughout the Spring semester I studied and explored a veritable buffet of concepts in energy, the Anthropocene, engineering ethics, and the future of "new media" and infrastructure, and of course electronic writing and reading as a sort of bas relief around human creativity in finding meaning in interpreting words expressed via the predictable/unpredictable results of programming logic, set in motion by human hand. 

This panoply of dense topics inspired me to explore the ideas of materialism and physicalism.  Which in turn inspired me to return to my old craft of screenwriting. I left film for ITP because I was sick of how manipulative and economically driven the medium and industry are.  To quote Michael Corleone "Just as I thought I was out they pull me back in."  So I decided to write an outline screenplay about a female-type cyborg who is seeded and raised in a host family as a control in a long-term study of human illogic and illogic in navigating decisions for the goal of total mutual benefit (in social and biodiversity spheres.)  The things that make this screenplay tenable for me are:

  • a) an interactive screenwriting formatted website which I would like to design to dynamically tag action and dialogue blocks, lines, or words with an associative or literal visual reference.
  • b)  a protagonist cyborg who realizes the only way to preserve and achieve her directive for mutual benefit is to destroy human language and this is what happens in the end - humanity is left to sort out their emotionally and materially determined future with humanity-wide aphasia.  
  • c) The story follows Semi, the cyborg character as she uses her creator-limited processes to help her human peers at home and a research university navigate decisions with logic, rather than emotion.  Her talent is being able to project all possible paths of rigid bodies in vector space, as well as being able to use her understanding of human language interactions, behavioral psychology, and situational factors to do so.  Much of the story structure is about how the human characters she encounters make poor social, ethical, material, and temporal decisions based on a misunderstanding of the nature of reality.  For example, they constantly disregard her personhood when her advice for how they should act to ameliorate a poor decision stimulates a strong cognitive dissonance response.  In many ways, I seek to use typical film drama as an instructive rage against emotions and the lies of language. 


In each of my classes, which were all extremely burdensome existentially speaking, I chose to use the second half of the semester to work on an aspect of world building.  For my RWET project I wanted to explore ways in which I could begin to explore ways to use logic to generate my cyborg's non-cooperative, post-revelation dialogue with her creator and her frustration with their inability to discuss the real issues at hand - the nature of reality. 


Learning about TextBlob and NLTK inspired me to first approach my crackpot brand of physicalism from a very simple place.   I decided to design and generate a "prototype" of the kind of conversation my cyborg, once she twigs to how shitty human language is at handling reality and representing the truth.  

My central idea is: agricultural and colonial-enabled language has caused us to lose our innate animal understanding that everything is energy.  Language, by way of weighting the concepts of property and labor as most important has divided our understanding of the nature of reality, which is bundles of energy flowing through points in space at varying levels of stability or excitation, into two concepts which are harder to immediately synthesize retrospectively: TIME and MATTER.  Time is the economic measure of the energy we output for those who control the narrative.  Matter is the justification of property-holding.  

For the dialogue between Semi and her creator I made the simplistic organizational rule that: 

  • any time a question Semi's creator asks is noun heavy rather than parse his intended meaning she uncooperatively chooses to "assume" he wants to discuss "the illusion of matter, human economics and/or emotional content."
  • any time a question Semi's creator asks a verb-heavy question she relates that to the concept of energy waves moving.  She prefers any discussion which downplays the literal idea of physical, particles or quanta. 


Nabokov's Lolita was the text I used to generate Semi's answers to Creator A's noun-heavy questions.  I used n-gram analysis to try and distill the essence of what is "the matter" in such a linguistically stellar handling of dysfunctional, self-involved, destructive decision-making and culture. 

I used Louis Debroglie's Particle-Wave Duality theory text for verb heavy questions.  I also used n-gram analysis to get the most common phrases in his corpus.  Debroglie was a contemporary of Einstein's whose 1924 PhD thesis postulated the wave nature of electrons and suggested all matter has wave properties. 

Creator A's questions are randomly selected questions for a psychometrics battery for child trauma. As Wikipedia says: "Psychometrics is a field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement concerned with objective measurement of skills, knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality traits, and educational achievement."  I wanted to create the impression that Creator A is debriefing Semi and I wanted to move the questioning beyond the Turing test references into something more deeply suggestive of the scenario. 

Using Allison Parrish's RWET example code for n-gram analysis on the DeBroglie thesis text:

ngram analyis of debroglie

ngram analyis of debroglie


I used Python's TextBlob module to find noun phrases and verbs in the creator's questions. Some pseudo code stylings: 

some pseudo code to organize my program's structure. 

some pseudo code to organize my program's structure. 


My n-gram analysis text-mash up lacked markov-chain sophistication.  So it was a string of non-sensical preposition and conjunction phrases. In my reading performance I took the notes I got after my final presentation: I went with a bombastic oratory style which fit into my idea that Semi as a character is disdainful of human language.  After my performance peers and audience members volunteered that they could feel Semi's attitude from my reading of the text- I think it had an interesting effect with the context-heavy framing of my text cut up/generation choices. 

