Workshopping Post-Automation Culture 2025 Scenario with Arbitrary Character Story Params.
The year is 2025. The scenario is my scenario.
1. Pick a number from 3 to 12. Household size = 9
2. Pick a number from 7 to 100. Age = 98
3. Pick a color: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet. ROY Male. Green your choice. BIV Female. Color Indigo.
4. Pick a city, anywhere in the world. You live there = Everglade City.
5. Pick a country, anywhere in the world. You grew up there = New Zealand.
6. Pick a profession – anything to do with new media, where people get paid for doing this. Someone in your household does this = we are all cyberneticians and systems engineers.
7. Pick an avocation – a hobby, a pastime, an interest, a thing people like to do for itself. Someone in your household does this = we all travel short distances by horseback.
The year is 2025 Common Era. My name is Yoshimi and I am rated at 98 years of mental age (experiential, crystalline knowledge.) This is extrapolated from the number of operations, tasks, and decisions I have executed in both real and virtual space-time. I live in Everglade City, Florida and I am a systems engineer monitoring the SB-TW+A (which stands for Supervised Biosphere Type Tropical Wetlands and Aquifer.)
I live in a permaculture-dorm with a team of eight others (six other humans and two AI of differing mobility) all of whom are utilized in the maintenance and innovation of the code forest section of the NIEE (New International Industrial Ecosystem) which runs a 1TeraWatt Star-Mod - a modular, high-pressure gas nuclear power generator which, in turn, runs an evaporative system which both purifies the UP (Urgently Polluted) water for bio-reconditioning and extracts rare chemical molecules. These molecules are then sorted for recycled use in industry. The water we purify is reintroduced with pH and nutrient altering organisms. In this way the work we do contributes to compliance with the New Order Convention of Autum CE 2015, which regulates and enforces the International Legislative CRR-R (Completely Recycled Resources and Reconditioning) Module which establishes that any sanctioned economic activity may use only the extant man-made industrial chemicals found within the context of environmental pollution.
Post-automation unrest, across-the-board economic change, and a mismanagement of traditional nuclear power in North America caused a major fluctuation and restructuring of the global population, so most of us at the dorm are special visa residents from New Zealand, which was shielded from turmoil for much longer than all other global regions. When I am not tweaking the algorithms which dynamically optimize synthetic and precious molecule recovery and sorting, I am helping the AIs brainstorm new ways to modulate and balance the humid climate’s effect on our biological bodies so that they remain unstressed and metabolically efficient. When I am not doing this work in rotation with one of the other eight, I am physically exploring the nearby coastline looking for innovation insight—on horseback—which is how we all travel short distances now.