Physical Computing Final Project Brainstorm

A few ideas: 

1) A capacitive net (or wall) which blankets a person and via LEDs communicates changes in body energy.  I'm interested in the idea of qi and other bioelectromagnetic fields produced by organic tissues.  Could be a way to trigger lighting an occupied portion of a room or hallway like a reading lamp or a candle.  Maybe incorporating some kind of EEG sensor or theremin-like ambient sound element. Pros: seems like magic. Cons: possibly too ambitious and large scale.


2) Stereotypical Cube: A skin-tone and gender-guessing cube.  Muffled/diffused light and sound comes in and hits microphone and simple camera and compares against societal averages.  Output accuracy is questionable due to extraneous variables.  Need more research.  The concept would be centered around playing with stereotypical generalizations and making the user expose his/herself to vulnerability of being judged by a cube, a piece of "tech." 


3) An experiential blackout booth (glass?) supplied with several hidden sensors of different types which give the user an information about information collected about them while they where inside.   How they moved. What they said. Where their smart device was located on their body. This still-vague idea is aimed at raising awareness about surveillance.  

4) Working on a GPS & true north haptic navigation system project with Sam Sadtler from another section. Prototyping and adding haptic feedback sensors and interface for bike rider.

5) Mind Map: combined with ICM final this is a dynamic quandrant-continuum map designed to connect ITP people with similar interests, projects, skills, experience together.  This was originally conceived as an ICM and or Networked Media final as well as a utilitarian gift to our class.  I am wondering about mapping a physical space to share input. 

6) Sound bed - I'd like to explore making bedding with imbedded transducers so that people can be surrounded by bass as they sleep.  Could combine with brainstorm idea 1 - the capacitive net or wall. 

7) Halflife Hour Glass. The idea is to explore individual and human experience of time-passage.  A timepiece which tells the user using exponentially incremented luminance and tone-shift outputs from the time-piece when half of the remaining set time has passed, and then another iteration at half of that time and so on, until the final second is so minutely divided that the tone and luminance pulse/change becomes imperceptible and is perceived instead as a continuous state.  Exit condition is allowed at this point by manual interference from user.  Interaction comes from a) the user's inability to stop the countdown  b) the user's ability to mix and match combinations of increasing or decreasing luminance with ascending or descending frequency or c) a layered audio playback of recorded ambient noise begins at the first halftime (e.g. 30 minute marker) and then is layered under the next halftime recording so that in the end there is white noise or room harmonics.  Recommended to me by Arlene Ducao, Alvin Lucier's interative sound work I AM SITTING IN A ROOM is a strong reference point for this last interactive element.  A big difference is that the user can decide what to layer into the recording and move the timepiece from place to place if they wish - changing the resulting harmonics.  

More background research is needed on all.